Code with Jess

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About Me

My name is Jessica Mattick. I am a biologist and M.S. student in computer science graduting in 2021. I like using computer science to develop tools to solve interdisciplinary problems. My software engineering skills and bioinformatics knowledge allows me to create solutions to challenging problems.


Travis CI
Git Version Control
Heroku Deployment
Node & Express


Full-Stack Web Applications

Optimal Experiment Scheduler

Python web app using Django that schedules long experiments in an optimal way. Experiments are represented as a directed acyclic graph. The application uses dynamic programming to score potential experiments against the current schedule. The best score is chosen by applying Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to determine the lowest scoring experiment. Scores are visualized as a bar graph over a user defined range of start dates using Plotly. The user can select any of these dates to schedule the optimal experiment and add it to the calendar.

Github Repo

Pockets for Everyone

Pockets provides a space for members to communicate about their experiences buying clothing with a focus on clothing vendors that are gender-inclusive. This app uses MongoDB, Express, EJS, and Node. Users can add vendor pages and comment on existing vendors. A user can have either a standard user role or an admin role. To moderate content, users can report vendors or comments. If a vendor or comment has been reported by multiple users, it will be hidden from the page unless approved by an admin. Admins have special permissions that standard users do not, such as the ability to approve flagged content, edit/delete any vendor/comment, and view messages sent to admins.

Github Repo

Java Projects

Codon Optimization Tool

Java program that optimizes a DNA sequence's codons to lower the GC content while avoiding a penalty in frequency. Inputs a codon frequency table and a DNA sequence to be optimized. The sequence undergoes 2 passes of optimization until the GC content is low enough. Graph of example output's codon frequency at each codon vs the original sequence shows increased frequency in this case. JalView alignment shows protein sequence conservation.

Github Repo

Basic Read Mapper

Java program implementing a suffix array to create a basic read mapper that takes a reference file in fasta format containing one sequence and a reads file containing multiple sequences in fasta format and aligns the reads to the reference sequence to the user. The aligner handles unique matches and multiple matches and uses a different spacer character for each. When there are multiple matches the spacer changes from ‘-’ to ‘~’ to signify that the match is not unique. GUI created using Swing allows users to select input files and visualize aligned output.

Github Repo